EdgeRouter 4 Install msd_lite / msd
msd_lite http://www.netlab.linkpc.net/wiki/en:software:msd:lite Deprecated, but recommended!!! You can also use Multi Stream daemon (msd) Steps: 1 Clone code on computer, because my ER-4 reports dpkg errors, due to the outdated debian stretch. Then upload to ER-4 2 On ER-4, install build-essential, cmake For build-essential, read EdgeRouter 4 Build & Install udpxy 3 build on ER-4 4 configure…
EdgeRouter 4 Build & Install udpxy
Please DON’T use udpxy, check msd_lite!!! Source Code: http://gigapxy.com/download/udpxy/ Steps: 1 Configure apt source EdgeOS 2.0 is based on debian stretch, outdated. 2 install build-essential 3 Get source, and build Then you will see error like cc not found. You’ll see This is because the binutils package provided by UBNT is almost empty. Backup your…